SMP-Scalp micro pigmentation. Creating a 5 o’clock shadow on the scalp and giving illusion of hair growth.
Scalp Micro Pigmentation
SMP-Scalp micro pigmentation. Creating a 5 o’clock shadow on the scalp and giving illusion of hair growth.
1 option
SMP-Scalp micro pigmentation. Creating a 5 o’clock shadow on the scalp and giving illusion of hair growth.
Specialized skin camouflage of scars from surgeries or self harm scars and vitiligo
$50.00 deposit required
Serum based technique to naturally generate collagen.
$50.00 deposit required
Restorative tattooing procedure to recreate the natural appearance of the areola post-mastectomy, offering a sense of wholeness and renewal.
$50.00 deposit required
Comprehensive intensive program focusing on advanced scar revision techniques, scar management strategies, and client care protocols for challenging cases.
$50.00 deposit required
Permanent makeup lightening
$100.00 deposit required
Lightening and removal of body tattoos